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#Work @ Wintercamp

Join our team for 6 weeks of demanding work in a great atmosphere and with the loveliest customers on planet earth.

We are looking for people to join our team in different positions. 

As we have to provide most in-house services ourselves at WWC24, we will have a growing team. We are currently looking for people with skills to support us in different positions.

We expect discipline with regard to parties from all team members that have shifts the day after.



We will have around 120 hungry guests + 20 staff members per week. One of our main goals is to provide a high quality menu to them every day of the week. That is where you come into play: you are the head of yummie at Wintercamp. You will design a Menu for each day of the week and prepare it together with helping hands from our Team. But that’s not all – it is also part of your work to order ingredients from our delivery partners and keep an eye on the stock.

This job is 6-days per week with one day off. It is for about 40 hours per week and we will pay for 2 full months because there is extensive preparation work to do and there might be overtime hours that need to be offset after.

Our Team Members are allrounders, meaning that each one could take any open shift. We have a set rooster for 30-35 hours per week, however if colleagues fall sick, we might ramp that up to cover all shifts. Work will be planned with a 5-6 day per week schedule with 1 or 2 days completely off.

You might work at the Bar, at the Spa, as a Runner, Kitchen Aid or whatever needs to be done. It’s important to have clearance for working with Food (“Grüne Karte”).

This job is for 6 Weeks wich includes about 5 days of preparation work, 5 weeks of Wintercamp and 1-2 days of post wintercamp work. (Taking down and packing everything!)

We are looking for 1-2 people that are skilled with wood construction. This job is not at WWC but for preconstruction in Berlin. The Job is for about 4 weeks in December/January and happens at the BASSLINER Garage in Berlin. We will prefabricate parts for the Club at WWC.

Join our team


Please fill out our form to apply for a job @ WWC24.

Find the form here! (Link)



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